Dance Clinics w/ Cheryl Landazuri
About Cheryl Landazuri
Cheryl has been dancing her entire life but started training when she was 12 years old. She was active on dance teams for 11 years which started in middle school and moved on to competitive dance with the Tigard High School Tigerettes. She was on the OSAA All State Dance Team and continued her love of dance on the Western Oregon University Dance Team for four years. Being hired as the Western Oregon University Dance Team Head Coach a year after graduation, Cheryl coached her team through all home game performances and collegiate level dance competitions. She has choreographed for youth dance teams in Quito, Ecuador, and most recently has been teaching dance classes and summer camps for the DSNO for the past few
years. In Cheryl’s classes, you get to be yourself. Every person is a dancer and has much to share with the world. She can’t wait to dance with you!