2017 Buddy Team Archive
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Team Boogie Down
Please join Brooklyn and Team Boogie Down at this years DSNO buddy walk on September 24th. You will be sure to be entertained by her spunky, sassy, fashionista self, who loves to sing and dance and hug, and dance and sing and hug and have a good time. SHE IS AMAZING IN EVERY WAY. The buddy walk is always a good time of year as it is so close to her birthday. Brooklyn will be 5 this year and would love to see her loved ones show her support… |
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Aidyn’s Advocates
Our little Aidyn was diagnosed with Down Syndrome very early in pregnancy, and we found tremendous support from our new friends in the DSNO community. Born 10 weeks premature and undergoing surgery at only 5 days old, Aidyn is now a very strong, healthy baby boy. We have since began advocating for children with Down Syndrome, speaking with doctors, genetics counselors, and NICU providers regarding testing, the delivery of results, and providing more meaningful resources for parents like us. DSNO is an organization that has assisted us in finding support, community, and financial resource |
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Paisley’s Peeps
Calling all Paisley’s Peeps!! Please join us for our 2nd Buddy Walk! During the Buddy Walk we will take a nice stroll around the Lake Oswego Lake to celebrate all those rockin’ their extra chromosome, as our little Miss does. We know so many people love Miss Paisley Jane and can’t wait to see all she does in her life (proving all the stereotypes wrong). You can help by joining us in our walk as all funds raised with go to Down Syndrome Network of Oregon. Can’t join, but want to help? You can complete the virtual walk and/or complete a donation to DSNO. Get those |
Team Tyler John
Tyler is 11 years old and this will be our 9th buddy walk! Team Tyler continues to grow each year with amazing friends and family. Tyler has been such a blessing to our lives. He has such a positive outlook on everything and has taught us so much! |
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Team Kendall
Kendall has grown so much since last year and loves being on the move with her forever smile!! Please join Team Kendall for our 4th Buddy walk! It’s always a fun day to celebrate and support a great cause. All the money raised goes to the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon. Kendall would love to see all her friends there!! |
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Team Abigail!
Thank you for your continuous support for our family. Abigail continues to grow and blossom with your love. We look forward to seeing you all at the Buddy Walk! Love, |
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Chip Zeman
Chip loves attending all events put on by the down syndrome network of Oregon . Oaks Park, caroling , polar express party , soccer camp, Zumba camp fitness class and talent show. As parents we very much appreciate the love and support that we get from community with other parents that we have met through this group. We have attended behavior therapy , marriage mentoring , speech therapy classes along with numerous friendships that have been created through this organization. |
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The Suzanna Bees
Our daughter Suzanne is a 12 year old with an extra chromosome and a zest for life, just like her BFF Corinn. Suzanne and Corinn share a love for cheerleading. When Suzanne was younger, we felt lost. One day, we found the Down Syndrome Network Oregon and it truly changed our life. We are supporting the Buddy Walk so that the DSNO can continue its mission to help individuals and families like ours. On September 25th, we will be walking in Lake Oswego. Won’t you please help us help DSNO? Everything helps! |
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Team Diesel
Our son Andrew has plowed into our hearts and souls like a diesel truck. Since the day he was born, our family has been anxious and excited to travel life’s journey with him. We are blessed to be a part of Down Syndrome Network Oregon and love the strong ties that bring us all together. This is our second Buddy Walk and we more excited than ever to be a part of this opportunity to support our community and contribute to a good cause. We want to thank everyone who has reached out to support us and our efforts to support these networks that aid other children and their families. |
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Team Austin Wheeler
Thank you for the support. |
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Team Megan
Dear Friends and Family: You have done so much to help me reach my life goals, I have now graduated from Lake Oswego High School! Thanks to my teachers and to you my friends and family. You have given me so much love and support. Please continue to pray for me as I begin my Transition Years this fall. I will pray for you. Please come and join me at this years Buddy Walk. Love, |
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Trey’s N’Tourage
Please support my team in the 2017 Lake Oswego Buddy Walk! We would love to have you join us or if you are unable to attend, please make a donation to help the Chapter support family’s experiencing Down syndrome. It will be loads of fun. See you there! |
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George Wadell
George and his family moved from suburban Philadelphia in late August 2015. The first community event we took part in was the Down Syndrome Network Oregon Buddy Walk and had a blast! George has greatly benefited from the many opportunities in Lake Oswego, many made possible by the DSNO Buddy Walk including Challenger Football, Capernaem, The Annual Prom, Dinners Out, Soccer and Hip Hop Camp and so many activites at LO High School including Band, Cross Country, Swimming and Track. George has made a fantastic transition and made many new friends thanks to the great help of so many |
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Team Eli!
Our son Eli Kerr just turned 19! Ten years ago we could just never imagine the man he has turned out to be. No one could have told us that the day would come when he would be so independent, so calm, and so joyful. He brings the excitement into the room no matter where he is. All of Eli’s accomplishments, including ushering at our church, acting in his high school plays, participating in high school sports, and mostly just being Eli, have been a slow and steady community effort of friends, family, teachers, doctors and therapists. The programs that DSNO provides – o |
Team Ben!!
If you know Ben then you know a boy filled with energy, love, and the desire to be your friend. He has inspired us, challenged us, and taught us so much about the importance of life and that every life should be valued. He’s our ice breaker in a room of strangers, and our reality check when life gets tough. WE LOVE YOU BEN!!! |
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Hannah’s Heroes
My name is Hannah and I am 19 years old. I graduated from LOHS in June and am participating in the Community Access Program at Lake Oswego High, which is off to a great start! I love being in the community and spending time with my friends. I will be on a club swim team this year and I play tennis with Special Olympics. I enjoy staying active by swimming, bowling, hiking, and of course dancing. Our family moved to Oregon in December 2015 and were quickly embraced by the amazing Down Syndrome Network of Oregon (DSNO) community! The supports, resources, and friendships have been truly |
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Team Willie!
Willie is an eighth grader at Lake Oswego Junior High. Our friends and family jokingly call him the Town Mayor, the Welcome Wagon, or the Town Crier as he seems to know most people in our community as well as what’s going on! This guy doesn’t miss a beat! Happiness and a zest for life is Willie’s #1 attribute. You provide him any reason to give someone encouragement or cheer them on; he’ll do just that; bigger, larger and louder than anyone else! Willie is everyone’s biggest fan. In return, his family and friends are Willie’s biggest fans. Once you met him, you’ll understand why |
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Jack’s Crusaders
Hello family & friends! Please join us for one of our favorite days of the year! This will be our second year participating in the buddy walk. Please come out and support us. Jack has grown so much since last year and has taught us so much. He is almost walking, using many different signs to communicate and he’s really good at snuggling. We are forever grateful for the encouragement and help! Much love – The Tils Family |
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PDX Buddies
Hello friends! Nishanth is pretty excited to be a freshman @ Mountainside high school this fall! Where did the time go? We could not have traveled this far without the unconditional love and support from our family and friends! Love you all! Thanks for your continuous support! Looking forward to seeing you at DSNO buddy walk 2017! LET’S DO IT!!! |
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Dixon 8.0
Everyday, I get down to Dixon’s eye level and have him repeat four sentences: He is ALL OF THOSE THINGS and oh so much more. But, unfortunately, society doesn’t always see him, or his fellow ‘members of the ts21 club’ in that light. It is our job as his family, his friends, and his community to be the CHANGE, be the VISION, be the LIGHT that reminds others that all lives are made with purpose, beauty, worth, and opportunities. Dixon and our family are so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by our loving comm |
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Team Emma Rose
Emma Rose graduated this past June from WLHS with honors. She was homecoming queen at her high school last October!! She is enrolled in the Adult Transition Program in Wilsonville and loves her cheerleading team, Inspire, and Special Olympic sports. Emma shares her beautiful smile, hugs and heart with all. We love you so much!!! |
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Team Anna Perry
Our family enjoys doing the Buddy Walk every year. When Anna was born we did not know that she had Down Syndrome till after birth. Paula came to the hospital to talk with us and brought us a Hope basket. Receiving the basket was a blessing to our family as we didn’t know much about Down Syndrome. Anna is a blessing from the Lord and knows how to reach and touch peoples hearts. If someone is having a bad day, Anna knows how to get that person to smile and to bring joy to them. Anna is growing up and will be in 4th grade this school year. Anna has grown in many ways and has ma |
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The Drew Cru
Hello Family & Friends! Thanks for visiting our team page. We would love for you to join us at the Buddy Walk on September 24th. If you are unable to make it, please consider joining The Drew Cru with a donation to help us meet our $2,500 goal. Thank your for you support of DSNO, a wonderful organization that helps our family and others like us! With love, |
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Holobeing Health & Wellness
Lake Oswego |
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Team Sarah
Sarah is in 3rd grade this year. She loves to swim, loves horses and loves Lightning McQueen. She is one of five kids and loves her family. |
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Team Lizzie Dale
Join Lizzie and our family in celebration of our sixth annual Buddy Walk. It’s just one week away in Millenium Park Plaza with lots of great activities, food and fun for all. The annual Buddy Walk is a time to celebrate accomplishments and share the lives and joy of our friends with Down syndrome. This year, Lizzie joined her older sister Maddie at the same elementary school, where Lizzie is a new kindergartner and Maddie is in 4th grade. Each day, Lizzie is making new friends, learning to write her ABCs and numbers, and helping grow the hearts of everyone she comes into contact with |
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Sarah Markstaller
Sarah is in 3rd grade this year. She loves to swim, loves horses and loves Lightning McQueen. She is one of five kids and loves her family. |
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Rita’s Ramblers
We hope you can come have some fun with us at the Buddy Walk! Rita will tell you that she is six years old and she is going to be a first grader. We love taking Rita everywhere because she will say “hello” to people and everyone smiles. She also seems to just know when some people need a hug. Rita loves dance class, swimming, and playing with her speech and occupation therapists. Thank you for your love and support of our family. |
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Eemie’s Team
Ethan “Eemie” has grown leaps and bounds this year. He just turned 6 and is set to start Kindergarten this year. It is with the support of the people at groups like DSNO that we have been able to give him so many opportunities to shine all on his own. Please support those that support our family. Thanks! |
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Jaunt for Joel
Joel turned 2 at the end of April. He is known as the happiest most content kid in our church’s nursery and his Sunday school class. Joel is making great strides in developing. Recently he has started to stand on his own and take steps. He is slowly but surely building his vocabulary with words and signs. His favorite most clear word is his brother’s name, Noah. He loves trying to feed himself using utensils during meal and snack times. Wrestling with his brother, looking through books, being towed in the bicycle trailer on family bike rides, and playing with all of his electronic noise toy |
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Team Harrison Halstead
We would love for you to join us for our 4th Buddy Walk! Harrison is 11 years old and has a heart full of love and life and enjoys anyone who will talk with him! He touches everyone’s heart that he comes in contact with. DSNO is a cross disability group. Many have Downs but there are a variety of developmental disabilities within this group. DSNO has been there for us in so many ways. They lend support for resource and have been there to support us emotionally and financially by the activities that we participate in, such as: Parent Dinners, Mom’s Night Out, Christmas Caroling to Retir |
Team Nicole Williams
I cannot believe it has been almost a year since the last Buddy Walk. Nicole has grown up so much since then. She/We survived her year as a 3rd grade at once again a new new school! She loves school, even now during the summer she asks “school today?” She is attending the YMCA’s Summer Camp again and having a great time and loving the field trips, especially to the Rainbow Trout Farm and Enchanted Forest! She continues doing her weekly gymnastics, horse |
Team Asher
Meet Asher, to know Asher is to love him. Asher is the youngest of nine and very much loved. Everything that has been put in his path he straps on his armor of faith and gets to conquering, no matter what it is he’s up for the battle with God,family and friends by his side. He is the most amazing loving little man ever. When I first found out I was having a son with down syndrome I didn’t Know if I could be the mom that he needed, I know now that God hand-picked him for me and our family, we needed him!!!!!! He has change the whole dynamic of our family. He showed us love, loyalty, com |
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Team Emma Claire
Emma Claire and her family recently moved to Portland all the way from Mississippi! Miss EC loves to sing and dance, and her favorite movie (presently) is Moana. |
Miles for Miles
Hello! We are excited for the buddy walk. It will be our first one! Surrounded by friends and family. And hoping to meet a lot of new friends too. |
Nolan’s Nuthouse (GiGi’s Playhouse Start-up Team)
Our Journey began when we were asked to take a newborn with Down Syndrome in August of 2016. It was the BEST YES we ever spoke! We love and adore this boy and want the world for him and other’s like him. We hope to support ALL Down Syndrome resources and my team along with some other dedicated families are working to bring a GiGi’s Playhouse to the Portland area. What better way to make connections and support others in our community than BUDDY WALK?! We are honored to take part in our FIRST Buddy Walk, for Nolan and for all the Down Syndrome community!! |
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Marching for Mila
Mila was born August 1st 2016 with a heart defect and down syndrome. I never expected my daughter to be so full of life. She has gone through more than any adult has in a lifetime. Her strength and spunkiness has filled my life and everyone around her with so much joy. When she smiles her whole face lights up and you can’t help but laugh with her. She has proved to everyone who had the misconception of what Down syndrome really is. She is capable of many things and overcome many obstacles. And she has so much more to prove! |
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Team Thomas
Team Thomas is really excited for this year’s DSNO (Down Syndrome Network of Oregon) Buddy Walk and hope for more growth in our team. The walk helps to bring awareness to the amazing parts of our journey and raise funds for events that help families with children and young adults with Down Syndrome/Trisomy-21. The funds raised by this event help support DSNO’s efforts in making connections between families to encourage our children and young adults to thrive through social and educational opportunities. When Thomas was born, the DSNO quickly reached out to us with resources, encouragement a |
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Claire’s Crusaders
Claire is now 7 years old and is our youngest blessing of 9 children. She certainly gets a lot of love and attention and gives it back 200%. Please party with us on Sunday, Sept 24th at the 2017 Buddy Walk! We will be celebrating the value of people who are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Every child is a blessing to this world and a reflection of God’s beauty. Come celebrate life with us! If you are unable to join us, please try to make a contribution to Team Claire’s Crusaders. Any amount is truly appreciated. We hope to see you soon! |
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Team Emma
Emma and her family are ready for our 4th Buddy Walk! This day is fun for all ages and a perfect way to celebrate having an extra chromosome! All of the money raised goes to Down Syndrome Network Oregon which supports individuals with Down Syndrome, and their families in a multitude of ways. We hope to see you there. |
Team FLY Keeran!
Portland Please come join our Team FLY Keeran team at this yesr’s DSNO’s Buddy Walk!! |
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Sahara’s Fan Club
Family and friends, we hope you will join us at the Buddy Walk this year in support of Sahara and all her friends who rock that little extra. Sahara is a fun loving 6 years old who tackles life with a smile on her face and a dance in her step. She loves to dance, sing, swim, ride horses, and is also quite the budding comedian and loves to make people laugh. If you are unable to join please consider a donation. Hope to see you there! |
Team Mary
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Daimler PiNG
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Providence Denials Department Buddies
The Providence Denials Department Buddies are gathering to support the Downs Syndrome Network of Oregon because we wish to put the Providence core values into action. One of our core values is Respect: “All people have been created in the image of God” Genesis 1:27 “We welcome the uniqueness and honor the dignity of every person.” Downs Syndrome Network of Oregon, we are proud to be your buddies and join in the Buddy Walk! |
Team Jude
Friends and family we would love to have you join us on our first buddy walk! Your love and support means so much to us. DSNO has amazing programs to help Jude reach his goals. They have activities for sports, inclusion, social activities as well as support for parents. Make a donation or register to walk with us and help support this amazing organization. Come support Jude! Much love |
Max’s mARRRvelous Maties
Max is 3! He is the epitome of happy! He is so busy! He has the cutest freckles and longest eyelashes, loves the song Hello by Adele, Sour Patch Kids candy, playing in the dirt, swimming and watching Moana! We’re some of the lucky few because of adoption! Max is so lucky to have his birth family and us, his adoptive family, to love support and love him! There is no shortage of love for this amazing little boy! He brightens our world and makes our life better! |
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Jeffrey’s Squad
So proud of our big 6th grader, we’re looking forward to our 10th walk together! |
Team Zachie
We love Zach and want him to have many experiences and opportunities for learning. We hope that DSNO will help the schools recgonize the need for aids, specialists and other supportive educational needs for children like Zach, to have the optimum educational and life experiences. Zachie has a twin brother named Gabe and they are best friends. They are both in the 1st grade at Markham Elementary School. Gabe is very patient with Zach and they enjoy playing, wrestling, tickling each other and reading books together. Even if Zach breaks one of Gabe’s lego creations, Gabe is a pat |
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Team Joanna
I am Joanna Landazuri and I am 9 years old. I am a very loving, forgiving and fun person! I have two awesome sisters who I love so much. I am in 3rd grade now and really like my music class. I am also very active person and enjoyed dancing, singing, listening to music, reading and baking cookies! I am the captain of my team and we are participating in the 2017 Buddy Walk |
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Mighty Mo
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Kennedy’s Krew
It’s that time of year again where we get to honor our special girl. Kennedy is our smart, outgoing, loving, funny, brave, spunky, capable little girl. She continues to teach and amaze those around her daily. She loves freely, and her sweet hugs melt strangers hearts regularly. Recently, we had a celebration at our home. In a room of about twenty plus guests, without overlooking a single person, Kennedy circled the room greeting each person with a smile and hug. Leaving a wake of adults blown away by this tiny little girl whose extra special sparkle commanded the room. As her mom, this was |
Olson Pediatric Clinic
Olson Pediatric Clinic physicians and staff want to support the wonderful work of the Buddy Walk! |