2018 Buddy Team Archive
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Team Boogie Down
Please join Brooklyn and Team Boogie Down at this year’s DSNO Buddy Walk on September 23rd. You will be sure to be entertained by her spunky, sassy, fashionista self, who loves to sing and dance and hug, and dance and sing and hug and have a good time. SHE IS AMAZING IN EVERY WAY. The buddy walk is always a good time of year as it is so close to her birthday. Brooklyn will be 6 this year and would love to see her loved ones show her support… |
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The Drew Cru
Hello Family & Friends! Thanks for visiting our team page. We would love for you to join us at the Buddy Walk on Sunday, September 23rd. If you are unable to make it, please consider joining The Drew Cru with a donation to help us meet our $3,000 goal. Thank your for you support of DSNO, a wonderful organization that helps our family and others like us! With love, |
Team Nicole Williams
I cannot believe it has been almost a year since the last Buddy Walk. Nicole has grown up so much since then. She/We survived her year as a 4th grader at once again a new new school! She loves school, even now during the summer she asks “school today?” She is attending the YMCA’s Summer Camp again and having a great time and loving the field trips, especially to the Rainbow Trout Farm and Enchanted Forest! She continues doing her weekly gymnastics, horse |
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Owen Strong
DSNO was the first group I became a part of after finding out I was having Owen and about his extra special chromosome. The local support and friends from the very beginning has been nothing but amazing!!! Please help support this local organization who reaches out and helped me during the first few days learning of Owen’s Diagnosis. It’s local, close to my heart, and you can all join the Buddy Walk and support Owen. He and I won’t be there. He will be in the hospital recovering from his surgery scheduled 9/20…. but please register, donate and walk in his honor… for him and all h |
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Team Austin Wheeler
Thank you for supporting Team Austin Wheeler. We are excited for our family and friends to join us in support for Austin. |
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Team Willie; Where there’s a Will, there’s a way!
Willie is a sophomore at Lake Oswego High. Our friends and family jokingly call him the Town Mayor or the Town Crier as he seems to know most people in our community as well as what’s going on! This guy doesn’t miss a beat! Happiness and a zest for life is Willie’s #1 attribute. You provide him any reason to give someone encouragement or cheer them on; he’ll do just that; bigger, larger and louder than anyone else! Willie is everyone’s biggest fan. In return, his family and friends are Willie’s biggest fans. Once you met him, you’ll understand why! |
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Nolan’s Gnomies
Hello my Gnomies! Show some love to DSNO, our family, and Nolan by donating today 🙂 |
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Team Annatude
Our family enjoys doing the Buddy Walk every year. When Anna was born we did not know that she had Down Syndrome till after birth. Paula came to the hospital to talk with us and brought us a Hope basket. Receiving the basket was a blessing to our family as we didn’t know much about Down Syndrome. Anna is a blessing from the Lord and knows how to reach and touch peoples hearts. If someone is having a bad day, Anna knows how to get that person to smile and to bring joy to them. Anna has a sweet and gentle spirit when she is around babies and other kiddos with special needs.
Aidyn’s Advocates
Family and friends, please join us in supporting the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon by donating or joining us on September 23rd for their annual Buddy Walk! Many of you remember that our little Aidyn was diagnosed with Down Syndrome very early in pregnancy, and after being told multiple times he may not survive, we found tremendous support from our new friends in the DSNO community. Born 10 weeks premature and undergoing surgery at only 5 days old, Aidyn is now a strong, healthy 2-year-old! He brings so much joy to our lives, and inspires us to keep advocating for him and others dia |
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Sahara’s Fan Club
Hello Family & Friends! Thanks for visiting our team page. We would love for you to join us at the Buddy Walk on Sunday, September 23rd. If you are unable to make it, please consider joining Sahara’s Fan Club with a donation to help us meet our goal. Sahara is a sweet and sassy 7 year old. She loves to sing, dance, and hug. She is actively involved in dance and baseball. She if often referred to as the mayor of her school; happy to greet everyone by name with a smile. We are so thankful for the DSNO and all the wonderful events and support they offer. Thank your f |
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Jaxson’s Crew!
Please join us in celebrating Jaxson’s first DSNO Buddy Walk! |
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YAY!!! it’s our favorite time of year, BUDDY WALK HERE!!!! Please join Asher’s League this year at the DSNO buddy walk. If you can’t attend please feel free donate in Asher’s name on his buddy walk page. We would really love to see all of Asher’s friends and most of his family join us for a day of dancing, face painting, Henna tattoos, food and fun. When I was pregnant with Asher I found out that I was going to have a child with down syndrome. I had no idea what the future held for us heck I still don’t know, every day is a journey and it’s a journey that I am so bless |
Big Team Megan
Dear Family and Friends: My name is Megan. I graduated from High School and now am in the Lake Oswego Transition to Work Program. I love bowling, swimming, and rowing, and all of the other programs sponsored by DSNO.. The money that the DSNO raises from the 2018 Buddy Walk will help support people with disability from birth thru adulthood and their families. Please give what you can. Thank you, Megan Schiedler |
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Team Jack
Come join us for our 3rd Buddy walk. This is one of our favorite days of the year! You’ll be entertained by his sweet dance moves! We are so grateful for all of your help and encouragement! XOXO, Tils Family |
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Team Diesel
Our son Andrew has plowed into our hearts and souls like a diesel truck. Since the day he was born, our family has been anxious and excited to travel life’s journey with him. We are blessed to be a part of Down Syndrome Network Oregon and love the strong ties that bring us all together. This will be our third Buddy Walk and we more excited than ever to be a part of this opportunity to support our community and contribute to a good cause. We want to thank everyone who has reached out to support us and our efforts to support these networks that aid other children and their families.< |
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Team Tyler
Please join Team Tyler for our 10th annual Buddy walk! We have lots of fun and you will always find Tyler on or in front of the stage dancing and singing! We would love for all of you to join us! |
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Rita’s Ramblers
We hope you can come have some fun with us at the Buddy Walk! Rita is seven years old and is fully included in the second grade classroom. Rita loves dance, swimming, tae kwon do, dollies, tea parties, and playing doctor. Rita likes to know everyone’s name and is looking forward to meeting you at the Buddy Walk. We are hoping Rojo is able to come again, that is where you will find us. Thank you for your love and support of our family. |
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Hudson Hornets
Our sweet baby boy Hudson was diagnosed with down syndrome at birth. After his birth he spent a week in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a little extra help breathing. Hudson has 5 siblings, Jordan, Lillian, Kaleb, Delilah and Madisen, all who love him so much! After his birth we were faced with many unknowns surrounding down syndrome and what the future would hold. Through DSNO we are learning, through others experiences, what to expect and how to react to our new circumstances. We are asking for your donations to help us reach our fundraising goal so DNSO can continue to offer |
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Piper’s Posse
This is Piper’s first Buddy Walk and she is beyond excited!! Please join us in supporting Piper and the DSNO. Huge thanks to all of our friends & family for the incredible amount of love & support!! |
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Team Ells Bells
Hi everyone! |
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Team Kendall
Hi friends! This will be Kenny’s 5th buddy walk! I can’t believe we did her first walk when she was just 4 months old. This has come to be one of our family and friend’s favorite days! Come walk with us and celebrate! |
PDX Buddies
Dear Family and Friends, |
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Dixon 9.0
Dixon encompasses JOY, LOVE, and HOPE! DSNO is a place where we can gather with fellow ‘chosen’ families, and CELEBRATE just how far we’ve come; while we plan for all that we have left to do. Please join us for a day of fun! |
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The Suzanna Bees
Our daughter Suzanne is a 14 year old with an extra chromosome and a zest for life. When Suzanne was younger, we felt lost. One day, we found the Down Syndrome Network Oregon and it truly changed our life. We are supporting the Buddy Walk so that the DSNO can continue its mission to help individuals and families like ours. On September 25th, we will be walking in Lake Oswego. Won’t you please help us help DSNO? Everything helps! |
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Team Abigail
Fall is here and that means the 2018 Buddy Walk is just around the corner. We love to see the familair faces who have walked with us for years, and we love to see the new faces of people who have joined us on this journey. Abigail is getting excited for the “big day.” Thank you for all of your support for Abigail and for our family. We hope to see you soon! |
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Team Mila
Thank you for choosing to support Mila and DSNO in her adventurous journey of life. DSNO is a great organization that helps individuals with Down Syndrome through many programs. It offers a great community and support system for families. |
Phina”s Friends
DSNO was the first organization that reached out to us when Iwas pregnant with Phina. They filled me with hope, showed me lives filled with joy, and gave me community. I hope to raise money so they can continue to paint a bright picture for families like us who have been blessed with a child with Down Syndrome. |
Claire’s Crusaders
Please join us at the super fun Down Syndrome Network of Oregon Buddy Walk! We always have such a great time at this celebration of people who make a positive difference in our lives. Claire gives lots of love and happiness to her family and friends. She is our youngest blessing of 9, so she is treated like a princess by her older siblings. Claire would love to have lots of her friends and family come out and have fun with her at the Buddy Walk on September 23rd! |
Miles for Miles
COME WALK WITH MILES!!! This is such a fun event to be a part of! And of course so close to our hearts. Miles is the epitome of joy, he lights up any room he’s in, and truly lights up our lives every day. His smile is absolutely contagious and wants to be everyones best friend. We couldn’t be more proud to be his parents! Come and hang out with us and celebrate Down Syndrome and our Miles! |
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Chip Zeman
Chip has had a wonderful year participating in all the different events the DSNO offers. |
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Team Lizzie
Join Lizzie and our family in celebration of our seventh annual Buddy Walk on Sunday, September 23, at Millennium Park Plaza in Lake Oswego with lots of great activities, food and fun for all. The annual Buddy Walk is a time to celebrate accomplishments and share the lives and joy of our friends with Down syndrome. This year, Lizzie joins her older sister Maddi and younger brother Charlie at the same elementary school, where Lizzie is a 1st grader, Maddi enters 5th grade, and Charlie started kindergarten. Each day, Lizzie is making new friends, learning to write her ABCs and numbe |
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Team Hannah
Hannah has started her 2nd and last year in transition and is off to a great start! Hannah loves spending time with her amazing friends from the DSNO group. Whether it is exercise class at LO fit, attending a beaver game, or going to a movie with a group of friends, she has a great time, learns, and grows! The activities, friends, and support of the DSNO have truly enriched Hannah’s life and our family as well, we are so grateful! We would love for you to join us on Sunday, September 23, 2018 for the Buddy Walk in Lake Oswego , it is a gathering of fun and support! If you are unable to |
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Kennedy’s Krew
Hey everyone!! As many of you know, this organization is so near and dear to our hearts. The DSNO showered Travis and I with love and support early on in my pregnancy. I was thrown a baby shower by many mom’s of the DSNO. This unforgettable day turned my sorrow into hope. I saw these women and heard their stories and no longer felt the loneliness I had been fighting since the dreaded call that our baby tested positive for Down Syndrome. Through the DSNO, we were able to connect with families and start to understand how our life would truly change for the better (for those of you who |
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Team Joey “Cena” Loftis
DSNO has been instrumental in promoting the extraordinary abilities of those with down syndrome. We first attended a DSNO buddy walk when Joey was a small baby and have enjoyed these walks for the last 14 years. Joey’s passions include WWE wrestling and his favorite wrestlers are too numerous to list, but John Cena, Samoa Joe, and The Rock are a few of the many, Joey enjoys traveling (especially packing and unpacking) and flying on airplanes! He is super strong, has an incredible sense of humor, and is a nice guy, just ask him. Thank you DSNO for your loving embrace of our wonderful |
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Team Thomas
Come join us for this year’s DSNO Buddy Walk and be a part of Team Thomas. The walk helps to bring awareness to the amazing parts of our journey and raise funds for events that help families with children and young adults with Down Syndrome/Trisomy-21. The funds raised by this event help support DSNO’s efforts in making connections between families to encourage our children and young adults to thrive through social and educational opportunities. When Thomas was born, the DSNO quickly reached out to us with resources, encouragement and continues to help us build great friendships. It gave |
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Iris Tervo Rocks!
We Tervo’s are so touched and feel incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by so many loving, supportive, encouraging friends and family who are inspired by our AWESOME, ambitious, determined, hard working, fun, sparkly dancing-queen, rockin’ Miss Iris. |
Kohl’s Krew
Our baby boy Kohl. |
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Team Ben
If you know Ben then you know a funny, friendly, kind, and caring boy. He has inspired us, challenged us, and taught us so much about the importance of life and that every life should be valued. He’s our ice breaker in a room of strangers and our reality check when life gets tough. |
Team Sarah
Thank you for supporting our special buddies. We look forward to walking the path with you. |
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Patrick’s Homies and Hunnies
Patrick invites all of his Homies and Hunnies to join him for a fun walk on Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 10:30am in Lake Oswego. This event benefits all people with Down Syndrome. Come on out and walk with however you know him…..DJ Pat, Guy Smiley, Pat Da’Man, or simply Patrick! |