2023 Buddy Teams
Benny and the Jets
Please come join or consider donating to DSNO. DSNO is a nonprofit that has brought so many wonderful memories & friendships into our lives. Donations are used to provide many events through the year to support our Down syndrome community. This group has been such a gift for us to be able to bond with families traveling a road less traveled. The Buddy Walk is such a great event- we would love for you to come join us and hang out with our fantastic friends.
Born EXTRAordinary
Team Born Extraordinary is celebrating new families joining The Lucky Few! This group of amazing kids 0-3 and their families have had a diverse and extraordinary first few years of life, from prenatal and birth diagnoses, health challenges and triumphs, to milestones and therapies, surgeries and celebrations, and most importantly learning how lucky we are to have this extra chromosome! One thing we all have in common is that we celebrate daily the arrival and journey our little ones are taking us on.
Please consider donating to and/or joining us for the DSNO Buddy Walk this year! DSNO has brought an amazing community to Adelie, Adalynn, Isabella, Wesley, Everett, Lucie, Parker, and Cecelia.
Meet: Adalynn Joy
Age: 15 months
Adalynn Joy is a sweet 15 month old! She loves her big brother and sister, her dogs, dancing, and playing in water!
We found out Addy had DS during pregnancy, and she was born healthy as can be. At 5 months old she became very sick, and spent the next several months in the picu fighting for her life. She kicked its butt, and came out even sweeter and stronger. She is fiery, resilient, and so silly and loved by everyone that meets her.
Meet: Isabella Belen aka Bella
Age: 2 years
Bella loves playing ball, dancing, music and giving everyone hugs. She especially loves her sisters, Angela (4 yrs) and Lucia (10 months). We found out that Bella had an extra chromosome during our first trimester of pregnancy. Bella has overcome spinal cord surgery and is recently recovering from surgery to help with swallowing difficulties. Bella has found a unique way to booty scoot to keep up on our family adventures. She is a great traveler and enjoys road trips, camping, and hiking.
Meet: Wesley
Age: 1 year
Hi, I’m Miranda and this is Wesley! He just turned one! At our 20 week ultrasound, he had several markers, and that indicated a possible down syndrome diagnosis. It was confirmed after he was born.
Wesley was born with a hole in his heart, which has been closed up on its own. He loves talking, avocado, scrambled eggs, and dancing! He loves his big sissy, Georgia and his daddy Mitchell. We have a little farm with cows, chickens, dogs, and cats, which Wesley loves! Our nickname for Wesley has been buddy from day one, which is his great grandpa’s name. He is the happiest, baby I know, and I’m blessed to be his mama!
Meet: Parker
Age: 15 months
Parker loves singing songs (especially the itsy bitsy spider), waving at everyone he sees, reading books, swimming, and intently observing the world around him. His favorite food is cheesy scrambled eggs. Parker lives with mom, dad, and fur sister, Midge.
Parker surprised us with a birth diagnosis. Since the day we met him, he has provided more love than we ever thought was possible!
Meet: Lucie G.
Age: 12 months
Lucie loves music, food, cuddles, toys, dogs and cats, splashing in the bath or pool, and most of all, playing with her big sister. Her family learned that she would have Down syndrome before she was born. She is loving, strong and determined, and is SO incredibly loved and celebrated every day.
Meet: Adelie Wilder
Age: 18 months
Adelie loves people, music, dancing and playing with her two older brothers. Adi was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at 4 weeks old. At 6 weeks she got sick with RSV and spent 30 days at OHSU.
At 7 months old she had open heart surgery. She is a warrior and has a pacemaker to boot! Her favorite meal is steak and mashed potatoes
Meet: Everett
Age: Almost 2
Everett loves dogs and ducks, saying woof and quack, playing at his water table, reading books, going camping and to the park. He gets to spend a lot of time with his extended family (great grandparents, aunts, cousins) which he loves. We learned he would have Down Syndrome before birth. Everett needed oxygen and a feeding tube for awhile at first but now is tube free. He is working on learning to walk and doing a great job catching on to using a walker. He lives with mom, dad and fur-sister Penny. He is full of energy, driven, greets everyone with a smile. We love him dearly, he made our world better than ever could have imagined and we’re excited for his future adventures and memories we’ll make as a family
Meet: Cecelia aka Cece
Age: 2 years 8 months
Cece loves to sing, listen to music, climb obstacles, eat food, explore outside, and play with her big brother. Her family learned of her diagnosis prenatally and she was born happy and healthy. Cecelia developed hearing loss the first year of her life but has been learning sign language and is thriving. Cecelia is loved by everyone who meets her. Her smile is contagious, her courage is immense, and her tenacity is something to aspire to.
Be One With All
Brody, Owen, Waylon and Asher! Four amazing boys who are homies with extra chromies! Come support the boys, their friends and Down Syndrome Network Oregon!
Chip Zeman
Please join us on September 24 for a wonderful day of celebrating Chip and all of his friends.
This will be his 15th buddy walk!!
Down Syndrome Network Oregon sponsors so many events that add such joy to Chip’s life. Summer camps, weekly exercise groups, Halloween party, Holiday party caroling bus -just to name a few.
This group also puts together many meaningful ways for parents to connect
from outings to dinners to weekend retreats.
Chip will be going into his sophomore year of high school and is looking forward to having lots of fun at the Buddy walk this year!
Claire’s Crusaders
Claire is now 13 years old and is our youngest blessing of 9 children. She certainly gets a lot of love and attention and gives it back 200%. Please party with us on Sunday, Sept 24th at the 2023 Buddy Walk at Millenium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego! We will be celebrating the value of people who are diagnosed with Down Syndrome while supporting the wonderful programs that DSNO has to offer! Every child is a blessing to this world and a reflection of God’s beauty. Come celebrate life with us!
If you are unable to join us, please try to make a contribution to Team Claire’s Crusaders. Any amount is truly appreciated. We hope to see you soon!
Clare’s Clan
Thank you for supporting Clare’s Clan. We are excited to participate in Buddy Walk once again this year! Down Syndrome Network Oregon provides many programs support our children and families. Please join the walk at Lake Oswego with us! If you can’t make it to the walk, please consider making donations to DSNO. We really appreciate your support!
Diego’s Dream Team
Besides his birthday, Buddy Walks top Diego’s list of favorite days of the year! We invite you to join Diego’s Dream Team and/or donate! DSNO have been a great resource during our journey of over 16 years. The walk is Sunday, September 24th at Millennium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego.
DSNO’s Awesome Individuals Team
Welcome any and every individual participant not affiliated with a specific team. WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US!
Future Buddy
Let’s walk for our future buddy Puchiu! We look forward to celebrating our baby together
Go Riley, Go!
Hello everyone!
We hope you can join us for this year’s Buddy Walk as we celebrate Riley and help raise money for DSNO!
Hazel’s Heroes
Hazel Joy is our hero. She had a rough start as she entered this world. She was in the NICU for 4 weeks. She had G-tube surgery at 3.5 weeks old. Once she came home, she had a hard time gaining weight because of her VSD (hole in her heart). She threw up during and after most feeds. She had a Cleft Lip and Palate, so this also gave her a disadvantage for feeding by mouth. Her open-heart surgery was in May of 2022 as she was only 5.5 months old. She overcame that surgery with no complications and began to grow and thrive soon after. We knew she was strong, but her strength during this recovery really blew us away. She had her cleft lip/nose repaired at 8.5 months old. And then her Cleft Palate repair at 13 months. Four major surgeries within the first 13 months of life are intense. Hazel kept a sweet spirit throughout it all, and always had a smile. I have never known a baby cry as little as her. She is easygoing and loves to laugh. You can’t have a bad day hanging out with her. She loves her family and friends. And especially loves her big brother and big sister. We feel Blessed and honored to be the parents of the most amazing little girl. As she grows, learns, and accomplishes each goal, we continue to be amazed by her strength. We hope that as she inspires the World around her, we can be a portion of the heroes to her as she is to us.
Hey Jude
Hi friends!!
We are raising money for the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon. This is the biggest fundraiser they do all year. All of the donations we receive go towards camps, community building events, support groups for parents, and advocacy. They reach out to new parents of newborns with Down Syndrome and offer community and support.
This organization means so much to our family. Jude loves to participate in all the activities and events. It is a place where we have found so much help and deep connection. Jude has met many friends through the DSNO. Your support means so much!
We would love love love for all of you to come and walk with us at the buddy walk, but if you aren’t able to make it you can still donate to Jude’s team.
Thank you so much!!
Isaiah’s Infantry
Hi Friends and Family,
It is that time of year again to rally in support of Isaiah – our homie with an extra chrome – at the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon (DSNO)
Buddy walk on September 24 in Lake Oswego !
Please mark your calendar to join Isaiah’s Infantry in walking to support all our friends with extra chromosomes! He had a blast last year and we appreciate all the events that DSNO offers him and our family! If you are unable to join the walk, please consider a financial donation to help keep the wonderful opportunities DSNO provides available for our kids and their families. God bless!
Lake Oswego Lions Club and VisionEnvoy Club Branch
We are excited about Lake Oswego Lions Club and our VisionEnvoy Club Branch’s involvement with the DSNO Buddy Walk 2023.
Celebrating almost 77 Years of Service from the Heart, Lake Oswego Lions Club continues to love and support Down Syndrome Network Oregon and we will be back to serve up our famous hot dogs and “Lion-burgers” at the 2023 Buddy Walk on Sunday, September 24th! Celebrating Each Other Through Service – Changing the World! WE SERVE!
NW Disability Support
We look forward to celebrating with DSNO and our Down syndrome community on September 24th!
PDX Buddies
Dear all, Thanks for supporting our team ‘PDX Buddies’. Nishanth is a 21 yrs old young adult with Down syndrome and he enjoys swimming, movies, YouTube videos on movie making/behind the scenes, music, and books. With his unconditional love, Nishanth has a gift of making everyone feel extra special. He is currently working with VR to find a job and also looking for volunteer opportunities in the community.
Sid is a levitator of language, easy in his style, fast in his life and light in his tale. He is also a poet, not by choice, but by accident. Just your autistic boy-next door with Down syndrome and he is now 16yrs old.
Rhea is a 3rd grader and loves going to school. She also likes swimming, dance, music and most importantly playing badminton with her sister.
Tejas is a second grader who enjoys traveling, sports and books.
Piper’s Posse
Let’s Gooooooo, PIPER’S POSSE!!! Piper is super pumped for another Buddy Walk! Please come and walk with us & support the families that have been blessed with an extra chromosome. We appreciate your love & support greatly. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! XO 😎💕
Rita’s Ramblers
Hi Friends,
I have so much fun with DSNO, we swim, learn how to line dance, and my Mom goes to dinner with the other moms to talk about stuff. I don’t know why I don’t get to go with, hmm. Our coordinator Tiffany does a really good job and I always look forward to seeing her. I told Mom we can’t miss the Boo Bash this year. I think I will be a mermaid.
This year I will be in the 7th grade, I can’t wait to be a teenager. I am playing volleyball and love hanging out with the older girls. Go Bucks!
I hope you will come to the buddy walk. We will have fun and there is food and drinks and dessert.
Team Abigail McNatt
Welcome to the 2023 DSNO Buddy Walk! We are excited to participate in our 19th Buddy Walk with DSNO! Abigail has accomplished so much and now she is entering into a transition phase with adulthood. Now more than ever we are relying on our DSNO Community, and Abigail’s Village, for support and guidance as we forge a new path. Abigail has enjoyed participating in Dance Camp and Pickleball this summer with DSNO and is looking forward to Caroling at Christmastime. DSNO, and all of you, continue to be a huge support in our lives, thank you. We look forward to seeing some of you at the Buddy Walk this year. ❤️
Love, The McNatt Family
Team Annatude
Annual Buddy Walk! We would love to have our family and friends join us for this amazing walk. I don’t know where our family would be without DSNO. After Anna was born we had the honor of meeting one of the co-founders Paula, who came to visit us 14 years ago in the hospital. Paula also brought a Basket of Hope filled with goodies and information about Down syndrome.
DSNO offers amazing events to moms, dads and of course are amazing kiddos: Family Summer gathering, Caroling Bus (during Christmas) Exercise classes, Mom’s night out, Dad’s gatherings, mom’s weekend retreat. These are just a few of the amazing events that DSNO offers!!!
Anna is a blessing from the Lord and knows how to reach and touch peoples’ hearts. If someone is having a bad day, Anna knows how to get that person to smile and to bring joy to them. Anna has a sweet and gentle spirit when she is around babies and other kiddos with special needs.
Team Boogie Down
Come join Team Boogie Down as we walk with Down Syndrome Network Oregon for our 10th year!!! Help support an organization that is near and dear to our hearts. We can’t wait to see you and again Thank you for your support!!!
Team Carter
This year Team Carter remembers and honors the funny, gifted and amazing person of Carter John Cermak. Please join us in celebrating his spirit and help us remember all of the good times shared with him.
Team Emma
We are excited to participate in this year’s buddy walk! DSNO provides many opportunities for individuals with DS, and their families. Please join us in supporting this organization.
Team Joanna
Hello Friends and Family!
Thank you for checking out our Team Joanna page for the 2023 DSNO Buddy Walk! We’re walking and celebrating to raise funds for the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon which has been a profound influence in our lives for a number of years. They have programmed not only our much needed Moms nights out, but also Dad’s night out, sports camps, dance camps, Fall and Winter dances for our teens, fitness classes, and more. DSNO is a lifeline for our Joanna. We are so grateful and hope you might consider joining us to support this amazing organization!
Thank you for checking it out!
Team Keira Morthland
Hello friends and family!
Keira and our family are excited this year to invite you to join us at Millennium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego on September 24th for the annual DSNO Buddy Walk!!
We have been apart of this organization for 18 years and couldn’t imagine continuing this journey without them.
Keira graduated from TuHS in June and we are excited to begin a new journey that includes our district’s transition program, job exploration and maybe PCC classes!!
DSNO has provided us so much support over the years. Keira has enjoyed LOFit exercise classes , dance camps, Oaks Park annual picnics, and so much more. The connections we have made with other families experiencing this journey along with us have been priceless.
Please consider donating and/or joining us on 9/24!!
Thank you for your continued support ♥️
Keira, Kristin, Cam, Caden, Corinne
Team Linconlicious
Three cheers to DSNO! Join the Wagenmanns this year in supporting DSNO, Lincoln and the Down syndrome community. We can’t wait to see you there and cheer Lincoln!
Team Lizzie Dale
Thank you for your support of DSNO and Team Lizzie Dale. Lizzie is 11 and entering 6th grade.
We don’t know what we would do without the camaraderie and connections we have made through DSNO. It’s a lifeline for our family. Lizzie participates in the DSNO Fit exercise program, summer camps, and most of the activities planned by DSNO.
Elliott and Jenn have both served on the DSNO Board, and participate in Mom and Dad gatherings and connect with other families as much as possible. Maddi, 15, and many of her friends volunteer at DSNO programs, and now she dances for the high school dance team at the event, which she grew up watching.
The Buddy Walk is an amazing gathering and celebration. We would love to see you there on September 24 if you can join.
We appreciate your support and friendship and look forward to seeing you soon!
All our best,
Elliott, Jennifer, Maddi, Lizzie and Charlie Dale
Team Nico
Come Join Team Nico at the DSNO walk! We want to celebrate this beautiful boy and his family. We are so thankful for God’s goodness in providing you all to love and support him!
If you can’t join us to walk, please consider donating to DSNO.
Team Nicole Williams
Hello Friends and Family – Please join Nicole and Team Nicole Williams for this years IN PERSON Buddy Walk on September 24th in Lake Oswego at Millennium Park!
Nicole LOVES to attend all the functions that our wonderful DSNO group sponsors.
One of her other favorite events is the Oaks Park Picnic, along with Polar Express Party, Christmas Caroling, and of course THE BUDDY WALK! Momma loves the Mom’s night out too. 😊
Without the help and sponsors from our Friends/Family our wonderful DSNO group would not be able to put on all these activities for the kids and families. The Dad’s dinners, the Mom’s Coffees, Buddy Walk, Oaks Park, PolarExpress and Talent Show just to name a few.
If you cannot join us on Sept 24th we would love it if you could donate to help support DSNO and this organization that means the world to us.
Make sure to click “Team Nicole Williams.”
Thank you and Love to you all
Nancy & Nicole
Team Rockin Reagan
Welcome Friends!
We are raising money for the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon. This is the biggest fundraiser they do all year. All of the donations we receive go towards camps, community building events, support groups for parents, and advocacy. They reach out to new parents of newborns with Down Syndrome and offer community and support.
This organization means so much to our family. Reagan loves to participate in all the activities and events. It is a place where we have found so much help and deep connection. Reagan has met many friends through the DSNO. Your support means so much!
We would love for all of you to come and walk with us at the buddy walk, but if you aren’t able to make it you can still donate to Reagan’s team.
Thank you so much!!
Team Tessa
Tessa loves the friends she has met in DSNO. The activities are so much fun and we have made amazing friendships thanks to DSNO. Please help support Team Tessa and DSNO!
Team Tigard High School Unified Soccer
We are the Tigard High Unified Soccer Team! We can’t wait to support DSNO in our second annual Buddy Walk!
The Adam Studer Squad
Dear DSNO Friends
Adam is a 16 year old sophomore who loves to play sports, video games and dance with his friends. Adam enjoys all the activities that DSNO provides.
Come out and celebrate with Adam and support DSNO at this years Buddy Walk.
Thank you for your support
Andrea, Jim, Mark, David and Adam Studer
The Drew Cru
Hi Family and Friends!
We’re excited to return to Millennium Plaza Park in Lake Oswego this year, and we would love for you to join us on the walk or support DSNO with a donation! DSNO has been an instrumental part of our support system over the years and we appreciate your support.
With love,
Cory, Tiffany, Drew and Isaac
Trey’s Entourage
Hi everyone! Trey has a Buddy Walk team with DSNO this year and we would love to have you join us for the walk and a day of fun! Trey has really enjoyed getting involved with this group. This past year he has attended their DSNOFit class, Sports and Dance camps as well as other fun events like a Pickleball clinic and a day of swimming. Your donation to his Buddy Walk team (Trey’s Entourage) helps fund these local events for this amazing community of people. Please consider donating as soon as possible (it’s kind of a contest too!). No donation is too small! The event officially gets under way at 10:30 and has lots of activities followed by a BBQ lunch provided by the Lion’s Club. Please join us at the walk on September 24th if you are able. We want you in our Team picture!! Thank you for your continued love and support for Trey!
The Thomas Family
Ukiah’s Union
It’s that time of year!! Time to show your support for Ukiah and the Down syndrome community by joining us for a day of fun on September 24th, 2023 in Lake Oswego at Millennium Plaza Park.
Vu Crew
DSNO means so much to our family, the programing, support, community, connection. We would love to invite our family and friends to join us in Buddy Walk 2023 and/or show support to Theo and the Vu Crew because DSNO has been such an important resource for our family and many people in our community.